Key Differences Between ISEE and SSAT

Is your child studying in the USA and are you planning to change his/her school? Have you decided which type of school you want your child to be in? Is it a private, boarding, or independent school? Or you are fine with any of them, all you need is a good academic environment. However, you and your child may have some choices, but to take the process further, you will first need to clear the SSAT or ISEE tests. So, for that, you will also have to prepare for the SSAT or ISEE exams.
Both the tests are almost the same and standardized for levels ranging from elementary, middle, and upper grades. Usually, the SSAT is preferred by those seeking admission to elite boarding schools, and students who want admission to New York City private schools go for the ISEE. And there are many schools that accept students who have cleared either of the two tests. However, it is recommended you visit the admissions office of each school, and find out if they accept the test you are planning to appear for.
If you go by test duration, content, and skill test, both tests are similar. Both ISEE and SSAT require applicants to master verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, math, vocabulary, and reading. Both ask for writing samples, which are sent directly to the schools (where your child has applied) unscored along with the test results.
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Format Difference
The test formats for both ISEE and SSAT are almost similar. Both have verbal reasoning, math, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and an unscored essay section in their papers.
The main difference between the two tests is, while the SSAT has two “Quantitative Reasoning” sections, the ISEE has one “Quantitative Reasoning” and one “Mathematics Achievement” section. On the SSAT paper, there is also one ungraded “experimental” section in which test makers attempt to give new questions to students.
Verbal Difference
In both SSAT and ISEE papers you will get synonyms.
But, there is a minor difference in both. While the SSAT paper has analogies, the ISEE paper asks students to complete sentences.
Essay Difference
There is an uncensored essay section in both ISEE and SSAT papers. It is sent to schools in which students apply as a writing sample along with the results.
If you are appearing for the ISEE paper, you must write an expository essay. However, for the middle-level SSAT paper, you have options for creative writing, and for the upper-level SSAT paper, you can choose between an expository and a creative essay.
Math Difference
In the case of math, while the SSAT paper has two Quantitative Reasoning sections, the ISEE has only one Quantitative Reasoning and one Math Achievement section.
In both tests, you will find similar math questions. However, the questions asked in ISEE math sections are considered tougher.
Scoring Difference
The scoring in both SSAT and ISEE papers is done differently. On the SSAT paper, you get 1 point for each correct answer, and one-quarter (that is .25) points are deducted for every wrong answer. Whereas, there is no penalty for wrong answers in ISEE. You are not penalized for guessing.
You can learn the skill of how to fetch maximum numbers by doing guesswork systematically from your expert tutors. They will teach you how to eliminate clearly wrong answers when you have multiple-choice questions and then use your guessing skills among the options that you are somehow a little confident about.
Additionally, the other key difference you will find in the scoring is, the ISEE gives a separate score for both math sections (Quantitative Reasoning and Math Achievement), but in the case of the SSAT papers, both math sections’ scores are included in one Quantitative Reasoning score. This makes the SSAT paper more acceptable for students who find math very difficult.
Difficulty Difference
What are you stronger at, math or ELA, based on this students find the SSAT or ISEE more or less difficult. The verbal section questions on the SSAT paper are more difficult than those on the ISEE question paper. In the case of math sections, the questions on ISEE papers are assessed as harder than those on SSAT papers.
Scheduling Difference
The SSAT allows students to appear for it at any time of the year as it is conducted multiple times throughout the year. You will find SSAT exam dates displayed every month. On the other side, ISEE has limitations. It allows students to appear only 3 times for an exam within a 12-month period, or only one time during every exam season (that is, during Fall, Winter, Spring/Summer).
If you see it psychologically, ISEE is more challenging for students as it puts a lot of pressure on students who take the ISEE test, if they have no option to retake the test to improve their test scores. It is advised that if you are planning to appear for these tests, you register for these tests well in time, as the test locations quickly get filled up. If you become late, you may have to pay more for a late registration fee.
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How to Prepare for ISEE and SSAT Tests?
No matter what exam you decide to take, you will have to do proper preparation. A thorough preparation will not only build confidence in you but also make you ready for the exam and there is every chance that you will be selected. Rarely will you hear about a child who gave 100% in preparing for exams and faired poorly. So, preparation is the only key to success in examinations, irrespective of what exam you take. This goes the same way with SSAT and ISEE exams too.
You can hire ISEE tutors and SSAT tutors if you are not sure that self-study can help you. Many times, it is better to get yourself a private tutor who will offer you a guided lesson. Studying with the guidance of an experienced teacher or tutor in the important subjects or all subjects will help you prepare better and in a more organized manner. Moreover, in the USA, you will find many tutors and teachers who have taken both SSAT and ISEE tests during their school time. So, quite obviously, they can train you better and in a more planned way. You can also learn tricks on how to evade negative markings in SSAT exams. You will also learn how to solve your problems faster and which questions should be taken first to reduce your anxiety during exams. Tutors are trained to guide you and provide you with all the tips and strategies for all the standardized tests you would like to take for admission to schools.
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How Much Time Does A Child Take to Prepare for ISEE and SSAT Tests?
Usually, parents and guardians ask how much time a child needs to prepare for SSAT and SSEE tests. The answer is, every child is unique, and each one is born with a different competency, so quite naturally, child-to-child preparation may vary. That depends on each child’s receptive capacity. Of course, the main structure of teaching and mentoring a child is mostly the same unless a child has some very rare learning problems. This does not mean that your child is not competent for the test, but it means due to the varying interests and preferences that every child is born with, the grasping capacity may differ.
Therefore, when you start searching for an ISEE tutor and SSAT tutor for your child, always look for a trained tutor, who is not only highly qualified but also possesses a good experience in mentoring school children. Children are very delicate and need a mentor who can guide them keeping their mental state in mind, making them understand why they have to prepare for a test.
We at CrunchGrade, emphasize more on the complete grooming of your child. We are sensitive to the emotional needs of every single child and we value the varying learning skills of each child that comes to us for test preparations as we know that the learning skills are relative to each student. Our tutors at CrunchGrade offer a comprehensive test practice and do regular evaluations to monitor the continued progress of your child. We also try to establish a comfortable relationship between teachers and learners, that can help them interact better with our tutors and also build their self-confidence.
To reach out to our tutors, you can contact us via our representatives on Live Chat. Our team will be more than happy to help you.