5 Reasons Why Secondary School Students Should Opt for Online Maths Classes

It is no secret that many students struggle with maths. A recent study shows that teenage Maths proficiency in Australia has been declining in the last 20 years. Australian students are 14 months behind where they were in Math 20 years ago. 46% of 15-year-olds fail to meet the national proficiency standard in mathematics. This lack of confidence can lead to problems later on in life, as maths is a vital subject for many further education courses and careers.

One way to improve confidence and ability in maths is to take classes outside of school, in a more relaxed and personalised learning environment. Here are 5 reasons why your secondary school student should consider taking online math tutors:

  • Maths is all around us

Maths is not just a subject that we learn at school, it is everywhere around us. By understanding maths, we can understand the world around us better. We use maths in our everyday lives, whether we realise it or not. For example, when we cook we have to measure our ingredients. When we go shopping, we need to calculate change. When we drive, we need to estimate journey times.

In an online class, we do not only read about maths or solve equations, we see how it is used in the real world. We learn to apply our knowledge and understanding to everyday situations. We can see simulations, get access to thousands of practice questions relevant to real life, and use online tools to help us visualise concepts.

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  • Personalised learning

In a traditional classroom setting, the teacher has to plan lessons for an entire class of students, all at different stages of understanding. This can often mean that the pace of learning is too slow or too fast for individual students. In an online class, the learning is personalised to each individual student.

The lesson plans and content are automatically adjusted to the level of understanding of each student. If a student is struggling with a concept, the program will provide extra support and practice. If a student is finding a concept easy, they will be challenged with more difficult questions. The teacher-led online Math programs are also personalised, as the teacher is handling one student or only a small group of students at a time.

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  • Access to experts


Online Maths classes give students access to expert Maths teachers from anywhere in the world. You can choose to learn from a Math teacher in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth or anywhere else in Australia, depending on the curriculum and level of Maths you are studying.

If you are struggling with a concept, you can get help from a teacher who specializes in that area. You also have the opportunity to ask questions and get clarification outside of class time, through email or online forums.

In STEM education, you might want to learn from the best subject experts across the world. For gifted students, online classes are a boon as they can progress faster than their peers, and get access to advanced concepts not taught in school.

Related Article – 5 Reasons Why Maths Online Tutoring is Necessary for Clearing Doubts

  • Increased engagement

It is no secret that many students find Maths boring, or difficult to engage with. In an online class, the content is delivered in an engaging and interactive way. Students are more likely to pay attention and retain information when it is presented in an interesting way.

Many online Maths programs use games and simulations to teach concepts. This makes learning fun and helps students to understand the material better. Some programs also allow students to work at their own pace, so they can spend more time on the topics they find most difficult.

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  • Greater flexibility

Online Maths classes offer greater flexibility than traditional classes. Students can learn at a time that suits them, and from anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection. This is ideal for students who have busy schedules, or who live in remote areas.

Most online learning platforms allow students to download video recordings of live lectures, which is an incredibly useful feature if they miss a class for some reason. They can also these class recordings for revisions or revisit a topic if they get confused.

Overall, online Maths classes offer many advantages over traditional classroom learning. They are more engaging, and flexible and allow students to learn at their own pace. Online Tutors also give students access to expert teachers from anywhere in the world. If you are considering taking Maths classes online, try them once and see how they can benefit you.

September 5, 2022
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