Best School Holiday Activities to Keep Kids Occupied at Home

Every school break, parents are left scratching their heads, thinking about how to keep their kids engaged in various activities while they are at home. If you belong to this group, you may take heart in the knowledge that we have put together a list of activities that will not only keep your children engaged but also enable them to pick up new abilities.
1. Try reading new books
If your child enjoys reading already, you should be a happy parent. Several studies have demonstrated the value of teaching young children to read. Given how much time you probably spend at home these days, this is a fantastic opportunity to support this behavior. During the holidays, make it a goal for your youngster to finish at least one new book each week.
Consider implementing reading blocks if your youngster has not yet made it a habit to read books. A decent place to start is with fifteen to twenty minutes of reading each day. These reading blocks can be organised in several ways, depending on your child’s age and reading ability.
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2. Play board games
If you have older children, playing board games together is a terrific way to strengthen family ties. It’s a great substitute for letting your children lock themselves in their rooms with their electronics. You might be surprised to learn that numerous board games include the following advantages for kids:
- Opportunities for early learning
- Great option to teach kids the value of patience
- Stimulates the brain
- Teaches valuable lessons
- Teaches children to focus
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3. Learn a new recipe
Many kids enjoy assisting in the kitchen. It encourages their passion for discovery and provides them with a sense of pride in having contributed to the preparation of a delectable dinner. In addition to keeping them entertained, they can learn valuable life lessons by doing this. Online, you can find a number of simple recipes they can use without having to handle anything too hot or sharp. Who knows, you might be raising a future baker or chef!
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4. Engage in arts and crafts
Encourage your child’s creativity by getting them involved in some arts and crafts projects throughout the summer.
As an alternative to going out and purchasing supplies, you can encourage your children to use what they already have. You can use objects like used crayons, paper cups, paper plates, empty water bottles, and tissue boxes to assess your child’s level of imagination.
Work along with your child to recycle these and create something enjoyable! Also, using these items for upcycling is a fantastic chance to talk to your kids about the environmental three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle.
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5. Create reward system for household work
There is twice as much to do around the house when the entire family is present for the holidays. Getting the kids involved in domestic chores is an excellent approach to keep them occupied over the school break.
Setting up a reward system is a wonderful method to help young children ease into the habit of performing tasks. They will start to look forward to helping out around the house as a result. The benefits could include getting to pick what to eat for dinner, getting to pick the movie you want to watch, or getting an additional serving of dessert after dinner!
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6. Themed movie marathon
Have you ever let Netflix take up the first 30 minutes of your movie night because you couldn’t select which film to watch? Undoubtedly, we have all been there. Setting a theme for each movie marathon or, even better, letting your kids pick one will help you avoid this issue. Get the family together to make snacks that go with the movie marathon theme if you want to take it to the next level! Here are a few ideas for themes:
Jungle Theme: Tarzan, Jungle Book, The Lion King
Sea Theme: Finding Nemo, The Little Mermaid, Moana
Monster Theme: Monsters, Inc., Monsters vs. Aliens, Hotel Transylvania
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7. Create a Scrapbook
Encourage your youngster to make a photo scrapbook of your family if they have a talent for arts and crafts so you can support them over the holidays! Instead of simply preserving them in a normal photo album, scrapbooking is a terrific method to preserve special photos. Your youngster can create a scrapbook from scratch using some vividly colored construction paper if you don’t already have one at home. Making a hole in the corner of the construction paper and threading a loose-leaf ring through it will allow you to connect them. As you reflect back on all the memories you’ve shared with your children, scrapbooking will strengthen your relationship with them.
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8. Try out science experiments
Try conducting a few at-home science experiments with your children if you are looking for an entertaining and informative activity. Children continue to learn new things and keep their minds engaged even while on vacation. If you have a smaller child, you might want to let them choose the scientific experiment or you might choose one together. Consider making gooey slime, your own lava lamp, or a solar oven.
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9. Shoot a short movie
Maybe it’s time to think about making your family’s very own program with your kids if you feel like you have watched every kid’s show on Netflix. Making a short film will undoubtedly excite your children and quickly spark their curiosity and creativity. Role-playing can actually have a good effect on a child’s social, emotional, and cognitive development, according to numerous studies. Reenacting a scene from your child’s favorite book is one idea. Even better, collaborate with your child to make up the narrative and act it out.
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10. Set up an indoor scavenger hunt
Another excellent way to keep kids from getting bored at home is to have a scavenger hunt. Indoor scavenger hunts are fantastic since they are cheap, simple, and can be carried out with items you already have at home. Instead of just choosing objects at random from your house, your treasure hunt might have an intriguing twist.