Best Websites to learn English Grammar Online for Students

Grammar!! Grammar!! HELP!!
Have you ever wondered what difference it makes when you use Active and Passive voice? And, exactly what are the different parts of speech that you use in every sentence that you use? English is definitely a subject that interests(pains) almost all students on a daily basis, however, it is also true that there is one aspect of this subject that can make a student’s life a wee bit complicated(sometimes, hell!). Yes, we are referring to the aspect of GRAMMAR.
Now, English grammar is a section that is more or less all throughout the advances levels of life, however, the only thing that changes is that the same concepts get more detailed and elaborate(more like confusing). As a student you may have mastered the art of understanding the prose and poems, but how good are you at grammar?
If you are someone who is looking for the right means to learn English grammar online by looking for a one on one English tutor or a teacher by the help of which you can learn English grammar with ease(like you’re a special relative of Queen Elizabeth), then we bring for you a list of the best portals that you can visit to learn English grammar online.
If you’re confused, we have done a comparative study if online tutoring is better than in-person tutoring.
With the help of this concise list, find all the A level websites that have been helping students learn English grammar, you will now be able to excel and score high grades in the perplexing Grammar section as well.
Find an English Grammar tutor online
One will have to admit to the fact that with the help of the internet and technology, most things have become easy for students today. Earlier the only means of gathering additional help was by joining extra classes post-school or by joining tuitions.
But, with the spread of the internet, it has become much easier to find affordable tutors online who can teach you English grammar online while you lay comfortably on your comfy sofa.
With the rise and spread of the internet globally, today students sitting in any part of the world can go through online sessions with ease and comfort. So, here is an insight into some of the best portals that can help ease all your grammar frights away.
Easing the frights with Grammar Bytes
Finally, a portal that can help a student with almost all English grammar topics in the most friendly and efficient ways. Grammar Bytes is a portal that is byte-sized and offers simple and easy to solve questions and activities on a daily basis. The best part of this portal that it teaches English grammar online in an interactive and interesting manner which helps the students actually grasp and understand each concept with ease. To be more accessible, Grammar Bytes also posts a daily Grammar workout on its Twitter handle.
Brush up your Grammar with 5 Minute English
Sometimes there are these topics that seem otherwise easy but when you come to explain it, it causes a nerve wreck. Worry no more, because with the help of English grammar online portal 5 Minute English all this and more can be taken care of. This portal may not be as design-oriented as the other, but the realistic and 5-minute lesson plans followed by the exercise are to the point and simple at the same time. This portal also helps students by highlighting the common mistakes they make, for example, the difference between listening and hearing.
Ace your Speaking fluency with FluentU
They say that the precision in English Grammar helps you ace the fluency while speaking it as well. And, undoubtedly one of the best ways to perfect it is by listening to spoken English. On the portal FluentU, that’s exactly how students can learn English grammar online. This portal gives a student direct access to a large database of voice recordings that they can listen to and learn in detail about the rules of grammar embedded within the voice recordings. Learn the correct usage of words and that too in the most practical and interactive way with the help of FluentU.
Straighten out your Grammar with British Council
Finding a one-on-one English tutor or finding an English tutor online, is a task that seems impossible to complete. But, with the help of the British Council, this task gets easier to accomplish. British Council so far is one of the most reputed portals that can assist students to learn English grammar online. All you need to do is mention the year that you are in and then based on that you will be getting assigned activities and exercises of Grammar.
Befriending the Grammar Girl
We all know that listening and then improvising is one of the sure-shot ways of improving your English grammar. With the help of Grammar Girl now this becomes more doable. Grammar Girl is a portal that is a podcast as well as tips that a listener can listen to and then keep in mind. Rather than depending on just activities and exercises, Grammar Girl helps by providing that ultimate tool that can be heard and implemented.
Understand the 101 of grammar with English Grammar 101
Do you feel that your own grammar book is the best to help you? At the same time do you find it difficult to roam around with the same textbook everywhere you go? Now, learn English grammar online with the ease of a one on one English tutor type book that can give you exercises on all the topics you feel you need help with. This online book covers every topic in a different chapter and then has worksheets and activities that can help you understand it better.
English grammar online with Alison English Grammar
are you a student who enjoys learning in a class along with the rest of your classmates? For students who prefer this comes the online educative modules by Alison English grammar courses. Most of these online modules are free to download and solve and also provides for the students a medium through which they can interact with the students around them and then solve the intrinsic grammar-based activities.
Crunch your Grammar worries with CrunchGrade
One name that we will definitely have to mention when talking about websites and portals that help with English Grammar is CrunchGrade. Unlike other portals that offer only exercises and activities, CrunchGrade is one that offers live one on one English tutors who can help students by offering them all the English grammar online help that they need. This one on one help assists them in clearing the concepts better and also is something that they can avail and join at the time most convenient to them.
Learning English Grammar need not be boring and taxing as long as it is entertaining and educative at the same time. With the help of these English grammar online education portals/websites, students can now learn English grammar online in the most effective and helpful way.
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